News Archive

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Eight sets of records, that were transcribed in the 1990s and either faded into the background or were never actually published, have been made available in newly formatted publications:

Wiltshire Land Tax 1780 – CD 11 – 16619 records of property owners and occupiers.

Wiltshire Confirmations 1703-1920 – CD 13 – 27122 events.

Wiltshire Non-Conformist records – CD 14 – 21822 events.

Wiltshire Strays in Gloucester Gaol – 19th century men and women from Wiltshire in Gloucester Gaol, giving date, name, trade and abode

Wiltshire Emigration Association 1849-51 – A scheme to settle Wiltshire people in Australia, with names, birth dates, abode, marriage dates and family members.

Wiltshire Fire Insurance Policy holders 1714-1731 – 1239 records giving name, abode, year and Guildhall Library reference.

Wiltshire Apprentices: Parish, Charity and Private – 6392 records giving name, abode, trade, date of indenture and details of master.

Broad Town Charity Apprentices – 4428 records giving name, abode, trade and master.

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