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Membership of Wiltshire Family History Society is on an annual basis.

Membership includes four issues of our quarterly journal and access to our website's Members Area.

For those who joined before August 2012, membership will continue to be from 1 April, providing there is no subscription break. For newer members it will be from the date of joining.

Select this membership option if you wish to join the Society as a new member or if you are an active member and wish to renew.

For renewing members, you can renew up to six months before subscription expiry or up to three months after subscription expiry.


Data Protection Policy– The Society is registered under the UK’s Data Protection Act.  Membership records and related subscription payment details are held on a computer database for Society use only and will not be passed to third parties.  The Society also maintains a computer database of members’ surname interests.  A condition of accepting surname interests from members is that the interests are published in the Society’s journal, together with the member’s name, postal and email addresses.  Surname interests are also published on the Society’s website, but with a membership reference number only.  Enquirers who request contact with a member in connection with their surname interests will be provided only with that member’s name, postal and email addresses.


By registering as a member or by renewing your membership you are indicating that you consent to the Society holding your data in accordance with its Data Protection Policy




one year for GBP 12.00

Please tick this if you want to make a donation at the time of paying for your annual subscription

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Once you have received your new password you can log in and change it.
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