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Registered Charity No. 290284


The Annual General Meeting of Wiltshire Family History Society will be held on Saturday 21 September 2024 at the Nursteed Centre, Nursteed Road, Devizes, SN10 3AH commencing at 3.15pm.

The business of the meeting will be to receive the annual report of the Executive Committee as Trustees, to receive the accounts of the Society for 2023/24, to elect the members of the Executive Committee other than the Branch Representatives for the ensuing year, to re-elect or elect where necessary the President and Vice-Presidents of the Society for terms of six years, and to transact any other business on the agenda to be circulated at the meeting.

Proceedings and election of officers will be in accordance with the Constitution.

Nomination forms for the elections may be obtained from the General Secretary by post or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They should be signed by the proposer, the seconder, and the nominee and reach the General Secretary by Saturday 7 September 2024.

A copy of the accounts may be obtained prior to the AGM from the General Secretary at the Resource Centre upon receipt of a stamped addressed envelope, or email address, after 31 August 2024.

Preceding the AGM, at 2.00pm there will be a talk by Mike Stone on ‘Early Railways in North Wiltshire from Brunel to Westinghouse’ to which all are invited.




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